Sinéad Gibney

Thank you for supporting Sinéad Gibney's campaign for Europe

Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me in the 2024 European Election. I was not elected on this occasion. It’s a disappointing end after all the hard work, but we have so much to be proud of with this campaign, and I want to thank you personally for your support.

It has been such an incredible experience for me, and for the entire team – we’re so proud of the work that’s been done. We ran a positive campaign that always kept firmly to our values of social democracy, and it had an impact on the election conversation, particularly around topics like immigration.

And next…it’s onwards and upwards! The campaign for this seat is over, but the work continues. This experience has confirmed for me that politics is where I want to be. If you’d like to hear about the next steps we’re taking for promoting progressive values in Irish politics, and ways you can get involved, sign up for email below.

About Sinéad Gibney

I’m the former Chief Commissioner for Human Rights and Equality in Ireland, and I have leadership experience in business and public sector organisations, including eight years in Google Ireland, leading their corporate social responsibility team.

I raised my daughter as a lone parent, and that sparked my activist journey, including becoming chair of One Family, an organisation that supports people parenting alone. I understand that we need a new approach, where the State is there for its people, where politics is honest, and where policies actually deliver for you, the voter.

I ran for election in the 2024 European Elections in the Dublin constituency, as the candidate for the Social Democrats. My priorities are housing, a fair city, and change that you can trust

Support the campaign with a donation

I’ve had a number of people contacting me to ask if they can donate to assist in the recovery of my election expenses, having narrowly missed out on recovering them in the European election.

I’m truly touched by the generosity of those of you who wish to help out. All donations received after the date of the election (7 June 2024) will be used for a potential Dáil run.

Get campaign updates on WhatsApp

Use this link to join the Sinéad For Europe WhatsApp channel, or scan the QR code. You’ll hear about updates, news and ways to get involved. Your name and number will not be shared, and you can opt out at any time. 

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Why vote for Sinéad Gibney?

A vision for Dublin

Dublin is a unique city with a proud history, a city that always looks to the future. I will work to build a fairer Dublin, retaining what is best about Dublin and building a future where culture and business thrive. A city that welcomes its citizens as well as its tourists, where housing and services meet the needs of the people who live and work here, where nightlife is vibrant and where all of us Dubliners can meet and work and importantly, thrive, in our  city.

Good quality public services

We know that current policies are not delivering for our needs in so many areas. Housing, healthcare, transport and childcare are fundamental services that are far below what voters demand and deserve. I will work to develop better services, universally accessible, to drive equality and promote sustainability.

A fairer society

My vision is that we build an Ireland where the State is there for our people. Where decent work, decent homes, and a decent society are within the reach of all, not just the very few. Where we plan and legislate not just for our economy, but for our society. And where everyone’s participation is recognised and valued, encouraged and supported.

Sign up to get involved

If you’d like to stay up to date with Sinéad Gibney’s next campaign and find out ways to get involved, sign up to the mailing list now. 

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About the Social Democrats

Social Democrats Leader, Holly Cairns

We stand for change. We stand for equality. We stand for accountability.

The Social Democrats believe in an inclusive, fair and just Ireland in which dignity, respect, and equality of outcome are paramount.

We believe the potential, and desire, for change in Ireland is huge. We also know that people want genuine change – not a repackaging of stale parties, or policies, as something new. We believe that social democracy offers the transformative change Ireland needs.

At its core, social democracy is about protecting those fundamental elements that provide every member of society with dignity and opportunity.

Good quality public services – in housing, healthcare, education and other areas – must be universally accessible to drive equality, promote sustainability, reduce costs for businesses and families, and provide a robust and reliable social and economic safety net. These are areas where the State must play an active role – consistently and decisively

This is why the Social Democrats want to provide people with a real choice about what that future will look like. The Social Democrats is a party for a new era .